Information is power.

Recently my daughter, a junior in high school, had to write a report citing a published book for her Advanced World History class. Her report was on the Nazi propaganda machine, particularly how it was aimed at children. She researched her most likely sources of good information and selected four books to procure from the [...]

Are they that Desperate “The IRS is weighing a proposal to deem one-quarter of employees’ use of work cell phones as personal use and therefore subject to tax as a fringe benefit.” Is the Government and especially the IRS that desperate? Do we not have enough financial hardships in the country right now? Haven’t the American people lost [...]

President Celebrates LGBT Month

There is not really anything I can say about this. I will let you read and develop you own opinion. I look forward to your comments on this posting.   For Immediate Release              June 1, 2009 LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, AND TRANSGENDER PRIDE MONTH, 2009 – – – – – – – BY THE PRESIDENT OF [...]