MP Poll- Do you support the new Healthcare reform act?

Here is your chance to voice your opinion on the new healthcare reform act that the current Administration and Democratic-led Congress is trying to shove through the system and pass into law. There are several answers below to pick from. I encourage you to pick the one closest to how you feel and please comment [...]

What is happening to this country?

I remember when President Bush was elected and re-elected and how the liberal-left media and the ultra-liberal Hollywood blow-hards touted that we were a “divided” country and a country split, etc. etc. They made it sound like the 2nd Civil War was going to happen or something. Well President Obama wins by a meager 7% [...]

Guest Video Blogger on healthcare and Constitution

Ok, so this guy is not really a true guest blogger on here. But he has served and he also covers a very good point. Asking for Senator McCaskill to apologize for stomping on the intent of the Constitution by trying to push Obamacare.